India Mills Chimney

It felt that spring had sprung as sunlight pierced the curtains when I awoke, an ideal day to re-commence my outdoor follies I thought. With an upcoming gig with the band at Number 39 and a pair of famous structures in the town, Darwen seemed like the logical candidate for a day out. The ride…

Underground Victorian Reservoir

Walking into the kitchen and glancing at the TV playing to itself, I barely heard the words “Victorian underground reservoir to be demolished” uttered on the local news. My interest piqued, I began a frantic search for the remote control to increase the volume to learn more. As usual, the remote was just that, ‘remote’. By…

Build it and they will come.

As Gustav Eiffel was putting the finishing touches to his towering marvel of wrought iron for the 1889 World’s Fair in Paris, waxed moustaches began to twitch in the drawing rooms of Britain. Here, now, was a manmade structure standing at 1,063ft that dwarfed the tallest monument on British soil, Nelson’s Column and it wasn’t…